Thursday, October 26, 2006

Shortening But Solid

I got lab results yesterday:

I routinely have one test at least twice a year - the A1C. It is an average for the past three month’s blood glucose. My A1C was 5.5 which is what it has been. It is equivalent to about 120 mg/dL glucose/blood averaging both the highs and lows. That would be good during normal life and is excellent considering all of the physical stress my body has gone through in the past three months. Stress does make it harder to keep your blood sugar under control. I know I had some high readings and some close to hypoglycemic when I took a walk after taking meds for it and not eating much. It should be 110 or lower in the morning and 140 or lower 1 ½ to 2 hours after eating. 70 is when hypo(low)glycemia(glucose in the blood) starts to become a problem. You get light-headed and much worse because your brain is starving.

She said my thyroid tests were “normal” but I asked for a copy of my lab results so I can see the numbers. Mine have been contradictory lately.

My mammogram was normal. I just need to go back and exchange the little shower chart. I didn’t have my glasses on when I picked it up and didn’t look at it until I got home. Yo hablo español? I don’t.

My bone density test – she said the results were comparable for a much younger woman! I’m Dense! OK, I know I’m opening myself up with that one. She did say that my right hip does show some bone loss. I’m not surprised since I have some arthritis in it. I do have to quit falling and keep taking calcium.

The results surprised me. I haven’t taken in much calcium since I was six – 1952. I have been taking it since I broke my arm but only sporadically before that. The fact that I have ‘slim’ bones may actually have been helped by being overweight for years. That benefit is counteracted by osteoarthritis developing earlier. I found that overweight women with high bone mineral density are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. That means that now that I am dense, I need to take my calcium and loose weight to relieve the pain. And do weight bearing exercises.

And I have lost that inch in height. Maybe I do need to get some way to hang me from the ceiling. Just for a little while. I’ve been thinking for quite a while that it would just stretch everything out and make my back not ache so much.

Well, it has been an hour since I took my thyroid pill so I can now eat…

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