Friday, April 04, 2008

My 040404 #4 is Four Today!

Today is one of my dear sweet granddaughters' - Alexis - fourth birthday. This one is easy to remember. She was born on 04-04-04, is our fourth grand, and is four today.

She was over Wednesday night and was telling me about her birthday. She said she was going to be four on Friday and is having a party on Saturday for the kids and, "I will be four… and in the afternoon I will have another party for family and I will be five."

She was so sweet – and so serious - but I still had to explain to her that no, she will have to go whole year while everyone else has their birthdays before she gets to be five.

That was a bit disappointing.

I think she had spent some time thinking about this one... exactly what makes her another year older? Deciding that it MUST be having a party that adds that wonderful year makes perfect sense. Two parties - well, double bonus - two years older.

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