I have to be there at 12:15, the surgery is at 2:15 and I will probably be ready to go home by 5. The procedure is scheduled to take an hour – plus the time that I need to be there before hand, recovery room and a few hours spent in day surgery.
I just hope I don’t have the same problem I had last time. Last time, I really had to go – to use the facilities – and the nurse said they wanted me to wait for a while since I probably didn’t ‘really’ have to go. I guess that sensation is common after the procedure. However, I ‘REALLY’ had to go. When I finally convinced them, I filled the container I had to use so they had so they could evaluate the stuff.
I will then need to strain it for a week or so and collect the pieces so it can be sent off to wherever they send it to see what its composition is. I have so much fun to look forward to, tomorrow. Bob will need to bring a book or two, and maybe some jogging stuff since he just can’t sit for very long. Emanuel hospital is nice – and large – so there would be a lot to see. That is where Natalie was born, Zander had his surgeries, and Alyssa also had her kidney stones taken care of.
Of course, it is much more fun than the other choice is. He – Dr Winchester – said it is too large to pass and it is at least partially blocking the exit point of the kidney.
I finally got anti-nausea pills this afternoon. By the time we left the doc’s office, got the pills and made a have-to stop at the grocery store, we were gone about four hours. We just got home a bit ago.
http://www.web-feet.us/RLS/htdocs/litho.html is a look at the procedure.
I will also be exchanging my APAP machine. Apparently this one has been used and shipped as new. I was able to get it re-set this morning. A good night’s sleep will be wonderful.